Another Fantastic Year Awaits


On Tuesday we open our doors to a new Fantastic class. Excitement is in the air to see how and what they will discover. Questions swirl through our heads. How will they learn and inquire? How will they grow?  How will they find their voice?  What materials will they engage with?  How will they experience the forest? So much to wonder about.

Every September I get butterflies in my stomach, excited for the new journey ahead.  I survey the room and see how it is set up; loose parts everywhere. Invitations to play and learn are evident in every center. Provocations to explore further are subtly infused within the play.

We are acutely aware of how each year brings change and each class is uniquely different. I cherish that change and look forward to all that the new school year will bring. I celebrate the children and honor their insights and their journey.  They bring joy, laughter and challenge every year; all the requirements for a successful year of learning, growing and empowerment. A new year doesn’t change my intention; to always find a way to open the door of wonder for every child and to help foster resiliency, creativity and a joy for learning. To empower each and every child to be strong capable and thought-provoking. To be able to voice their thoughts with intention and purpose. To learn success through failure and risk. To know they are in a safe environment surrounded by love and laughter and encouragement.

As we begin the new school year, we open our hearts to new hopes and dreams of another Fantastic year! Open those doors and let them in, because we are ready!





7 thoughts on “Another Fantastic Year Awaits

  1. I am brimming with excitement that Ryder gets to spend the year learning from you! We are looking forward to a wonderful year of exploration and growth!

    Mara 🙂

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